Annalyn Mae is finally here! We went in to the hospital Thursday morning 17th and she was born that afternoon at 12:42 pm :) It was such a different experience having a c-section but I am glad that we went that way in the end. I was just as nervous for the unknown going in but felt a little prepared after talking to friends & family about their experiences. To sum up the c-section experience I went in at 10:30 (not in labor) they had me get in a gown then
monitored the baby for an hour and took more blood then I thought they needed to :) from me. At noon they wheeled me into the operating room (which reminded me of something from a medical show - bright & clean & scary & super COLD). I sat on the table and they gave me a shot in my spine - similar to an
epidural - then I immediately laid down & started going numb in my legs...after about 15 minutes I was completely numb from my mid-section down & Blake & Kirstin were in the room with me all
scrubbed up. They cut in & after like 30 minutes they said "OK you are going to feel some pressure"...& man were they felt like someone put a car on my chest! That lasted for about 1 LONG minute (Blake & Kirstin were watching & said 3 people were literally on top of my chest pushing the baby out) & then out she came & I am almost certain her & I started crying at the same time - both from shock but me mostly from total joy at hearing her & knowing that she was here safe :)
We got home Monday afternoon & are all doing well :)